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World Health Day <3

World Health Day is a global health awareness day celebrated every year on 7 April, under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization, as well … World Health Day 


January 2, second day of the new year, second day of the Ultimate Blog Challenge and first day of the 30-Day Positivity Challenge. My word for this … FOCUS AND COURAGE

A New Year

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As the sun sets on 2021, May we have Hope, Health, and Happiness in the New Year Happy New Year! A New Year

Foods which are safe and harmful for dogs

Strawberry – should be given in moderation, which helps in digestion and whiten teeth of dogs. Apple – is considered a good snack for dogs. Apples too contain sugar , so it should also be fed in moderation. Broccoli – is good, it contains anti-oxidants, but rarely given to dogs, it also contains isothiocyanates which can cause gastric irritation in some dogs. Cabbage – shouldn’t be over-fed as it can… Read More »Foods which are safe and harmful for dogs

Master gland

Ways to Stimulate Pituitary Gland

What are the ways to stimulate the pituitary gland? How you have positive impact on your pituitary gland? What are the ways which helps in taking out the maximum benefit from your pituitary gland? Pituitary gland is a pea sized gland located at the base of brain behind the bridge of nose. It is also called as ‘master gland’ as it helps in regulation of most of the hormones in… Read More »Ways to Stimulate Pituitary Gland

High blood pressure

Causes and Symptoms of Hypertension

Causes of Hypertension ( high blood pressure ) Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis Chronic renal failure Embolus in blood vessels Fibromuscular dysplasia Polyarthritis Nodosa Pyelonephritis Polycystic disease Wilms tumour Diabetes Mellitus Renal artery stenosis Cushing’s syndrome Coarctation of aorta Excessive use of steroids, oral contraceptives, cyclosporine Toxaemia of pregnancy Lead poisoning Raised intracranial pressure Symptoms of Hypertension ( high blood pressure ) Headache Dizziness Blurred Vision Epistaxis Anxiety Nausea Vomiting Red… Read More »Causes and Symptoms of Hypertension

Common Medical Terms everyone must know

Anti-inflammatory: Reduces swelling, pain, and soreness (such as ibuprofen or naproxen) Body Mass Index (BMI): Body fat measurement based on height and weight Anaemia: Deficiency of haemoglobin in blood Analgesic: Medicine which alleviates pain Arthralgia: Pain in a joint Biopsy: A tissue sample for testing purposes Cephalalgia: Headache Nephralgia: Pain in the kidney Neuralgia: Nerve Pain Myalgia: Muscle pain Otalgia: Earache Gastralgia: Pain in stomach Hypotension: Low blood pressure Hypertension:… Read More »Common Medical Terms everyone must know

सैबाइना (Sabina)सैबाइना का होम्योपैथिक उपयोग

(1) रक्त-स्राव की औषधि (Hemorrhagic remedy); रक्त स्राव के साथ दर्द कमर से चल कर योनि के ऊपर उठी हुई हड्डी या जरायु तक जाता है – यह रक्त-स्राव की प्रमुख औषधि है। किसी प्रकार का भी रक्त-स्राव हो, गुर्दे से, मूत्राशय से, मल-द्वार से, बवासीर के मस्सों से, जरायु से। अगर कहीं से रक्त-साव हो रहा है, तो रक्त-साव की औषधियों की तरफ ध्यान देते हुए इस औषधि को… Read More »सैबाइना (Sabina)सैबाइना का होम्योपैथिक उपयोग

Commonly available Herbs vital for our body

There are many herbs commonly available in our immediate surroundings. Here is a list of few of them which can be beneficial for our health and impart essential nutrients. Dandelion (taraxacum officinale) Burdrock (arctium lappa) Elder (sambucus nigra) Hawthorn (crataegous laevigata) Mahonia (mahonia aquifoilum) Lime Tree (tilia europaea) Oak (quercus robur) Nettle (urtica dioica) Plantain (plantago major) St. John’s Wart (hypericum perforatum) Red Clover (trifolium pratense) Gum Trees (Eucalyptus) Parts… Read More »Commonly available Herbs vital for our body

UPPSC MCQ’s in Homeopathy

1:-The first edition of Organon of medicine was published in the year A:-1717 B:-1710 C:-1817 D:-1810 D 2:-Drug proving is mentioned in _________ aphorism of Organon of Medicine. A:-72-84 B:-105-145 C:-85-100 D:-100-105 B 3:-__________ is derived by the process of dynamisation. A:-Medicine B:-Drug C:-Potency D:-All the above C 4:-The selection of Homeopathic remedy is based on A:-Individualisation B:-Case taking C:-Repertorisation D:-Totality of symptoms D 5:-The medicine most Homeopathically corresponding are called A:-Specific remedy B:-Drug C:-Remedy D:-Both 1 and 3 C 6:-Olive oil is a _________ oil. A:-Volatile B:-Fixed C:-1 and 3 D:-None B 7:-Isinglass… Read More »UPPSC MCQ’s in Homeopathy

30 Commonly asked MCQ’s in Nursing Academy

The process of taking food into the digestive system is: A. IngestionB. PropulsionC. DigestionD. Elimination 2. Substances that stimulate an acquired immunity response are called A. AntigensB. AntibodiesC. ComplementsD. Histamines 3. Loss of sense of smell is called as A. AnhedoniaB. AnosmiaC. AnoxiaD. Aphasia 4. Which of the following is not one of the four primary taste sensations? A. BitterB. SourC. SaltyD. Spice 5. The strongest ligament in the body… Read More »30 Commonly asked MCQ’s in Nursing Academy

आयुर्वेदिक दोहे-स्वास्थ्य दोहावली

गोमाता के दूध में, रुई भिगाओ आपचूर्ण फिटकरी बांधिए, मिटे आंख का ताप पानी में गुड डालिए, बित जाए जब रातसुबह छानकर पीजिए, अच्छे हों हालात धनिया की पत्ती मसल, बूंद नैन में डारदुखती अँखियां ठीक हों, पल लागे दो-चार ऊर्जा मिलती है बहुत, पिएं गुनगुना नीरकब्ज खतम हो, पेट की मिट जाए हर पीर प्रातः काल पानी पिएं, घूंट-घूंट कर आपबस दो-तीन गिलास है, हर औषधि का बाप ठंडा… Read More »आयुर्वेदिक दोहे-स्वास्थ्य दोहावली


20 WordPress Tips

WordPress has become the world’s most popular way to manage websites and there are two key reasons for that:It has a straightforward interface that makes it easy for anyone to use.It has an architecture that makes it easy for just about anyone to customize. When you’ve installed WordPress on your own hosting account, you can’t log in by going to Keep your User email address up to date. Never… Read More »20 WordPress Tips

Achieving Goals within time limits

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How to manage Procrastination to achieve goals- Let me disclose to you a quick story. Back when I was in secondary school, our English educator needed us to compose an article. But since it should be a more extended paper, he gave us 1 entire month to complete it. I was a gigantic procrastinator in those days and I since the cutoff time was so distant, I didn’t consider beginning… Read More »Achieving Goals within time limits

Dog calories, fat, protein, vitamin, carbohydrate and water intake

The basic strategy of dog care is healthy food which means nurturing with nutritious edibles which contains right amount of calories, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats etc . You might be amazed to know the actual requirements of our canine companions is challenging to maintain. Earlier, giving dogs a left over food was normal and usually followed. Today, dog food equates to commercially sold food like pedigree or royal canin. Commercially… Read More »Dog calories, fat, protein, vitamin, carbohydrate and water intake

Beauty Tips that will make you Jaw drop Gorgeous

Want to have a Perfect flawless skin? Check out here some tips worth considering – Exfoliate naturally To exfoliate naturally, sea salt is commonly used. It has the properties to remove dry and dead skin. How to use – Wet the area and than apply little quantity of sea salt and than massage it gently over the face. Focus more on problem areas (if any) like nose, cheeks. Avoid eye… Read More »Beauty Tips that will make you Jaw drop Gorgeous

12 Ways to Show your Partner You Care

There are hundreds of articles and websites devoted to making sure that your partner knows that you love them. However, many of these articles are filled with trite expressions of love that seem clichéd when they’re overused. To really show your partner that you care, you need better guidelines and better advice. Here is some advice that you can actually use. Make coffee/tea in the morning When you’re both waking… Read More »12 Ways to Show your Partner You Care

Emergency Helpline Numbers of India

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112 single emergency helpline number launched in India POLICE 100 FIRE 101 AMBULANCE 102 A pan-India service of the single emergency helpline number ‘112’ for immediate assistance services from fire (101), police (100), health (108) and women (1090). Numbers Name 103 Traffic Police 1031 Anti-Corruption Helpline 1033 Emergency Relief Centre on National Highways 104 State level helpline for Health 1066 Anti-poison 1071 Air Accident 1073 Road Accident 1073 Traffic Help Line 1077 Control room of District Collector/Magistrate 1090 Anti terror Helpline/Alert All India 1091 Women in Distress 1092 Earth-quake Help line service 1096 Natural disaster control room 1097 AIDS helpline 1099 Central Accident and Trauma Services… Read More »Emergency Helpline Numbers of India

Get Anything You Want By Changing Your Thinking!

Money is hard to get for most people. Money can be easy to get for other people. Why is that? Growing up we aren’t taught the proper way of thinking about money. High school doesn’t teach us anything useful about it. College doesn’t teach any real-world knowledge either. And our parents don’t teach us how to think properly about it because they’ve never been exposed to the laws of attraction… Read More »Get Anything You Want By Changing Your Thinking!

The First Steps to Manifesting the Life You Want

We all want to live the life we imagine for ourselves. The difficulty for many is that they aren’t aware of how to turn what they imagine into a physical reality. You already have the tools within you already; it’s simply a matter of using those tools on purpose. What are these innate tools? They are our thoughts, our words, and our feelings. Sounds simple, but is it? Yes, it… Read More »The First Steps to Manifesting the Life You Want

Exercises for Self Growth

As Psychic/Medium I get people coming to me all the time who do not know how to step forward and nurture their spirit the white cup exercise is a simple way to do just that. I also provide tips for those caught in what I term the bumper car effect The white cup (mug etc) Some times we are like an empty cup. We struggle to have a sense of… Read More »Exercises for Self Growth

Business Intelligence – Accelerate Your Business Performance

Business Intelligence (BI) is the process of gathering information from the business. The gathered business information is transformed into knowledge using business intelligence. To run the business successfully one should have the comprehensive business knowledge and understanding of your business strengths and its weakness. In business intelligence will take into account the internal and external factors of a business. Business intelligence will ease the decision making process, helps in understanding the… Read More »Business Intelligence – Accelerate Your Business Performance

Divine Healing

We are all here on earth to heal each other. Everytime we speak, all the things we do, all the words we say, every person we meet… Let it be such that healing happens. Whenever we heal others we are also healing ourselves. By surrounding ourselves with love and energy, By remaining in a state of gentleness and calm, By being forgiving to the stupidities, follies and malicious behaviour of… Read More »Divine Healing

Dog Training – Early Training Is Essential

Dogs are a fantastic edition to any family but like all youngsters they need training. If you do not train your puppy now it will take a serious amount of help from a training school to get him to be obedient later on. Puppies just like babies learn mostly in their early years and unfortunately will also pick up the bad habits also. Early attention will save you heartache later… Read More »Dog Training – Early Training Is Essential

Working the Room and how to do it

By: Will Let’s cover an area of working the room with which people often struggle… the actual moving around the room. Disengaging with one group and breaking into groups. Finally I will cover the bridge process and explain the importance of the follow up after we have met new people. Perhaps you have recently had a chance to meet people at a business networking event or social event, a conference,… Read More »Working the Room and how to do it

Healthy Trans Fats vs. Unhealthy Trans Fats Revealed

I’m going to talk about something today that most of you have probably never heard…that there is a distinction between good trans fats and bad trans fats. There is some evidence that the good trans can help you with fat loss, muscle building, and even cancer prevention, while the bad trans fats have been shown to cause heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and the general blubbering of your body. I’m sure… Read More »Healthy Trans Fats vs. Unhealthy Trans Fats Revealed

Self Improvement – Journey of Discovery!

“The way you think, not only affects your own life, but others around you – it affects your world. You have the power to change the world you live in.” – White Star So who, you may ask, is White Star? On face value, White Star is a character in the series of books The Blue Star Millennium and Quest for Genesis. Many readers,after viewing these books, have invariably asked… Read More »Self Improvement – Journey of Discovery!

Three Ways Music Can Help You To Lose Weight

Music is the key to the soul. It can lift you up and put a smile on your face or alternatively it can bring you down and reduce you to tears. Music is powerful and fortunately you can use it to help with your weight loss. The interesting thing about music is that the same track or song can induce different emotions in different people. If you met the love… Read More »Three Ways Music Can Help You To Lose Weight

How to draw genuine love to you using the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is one of the most powerful laws in the universe. According to it like attracts like. That is why creatures of the same kind attract each other. Wherever there is one ant, you will find many more; wherever there is one farmer you will find several farmers; wherever there is a lone sheep or cow you will find a herd. We all know that wolves hunt… Read More »How to draw genuine love to you using the Law of Attraction


The common goldfish has to be one of the most commonly kept species of fish of all time. The goldfish is a very hardy species and can adapt to a wide range of water parameters. All too often though they are kept in bowls or small tanks that are simply inadequate for their long term survival and these small bowls provide for a very poor quality of life. To provide… Read More »Goldfish

Saltwater Fish – Saltwater Aquarium Fish

The saltwater side of the aquarium hobby has all sorts of saltwater fish available to hobbyists these days. You can pay anywhere from $3 for a Green Chromis all the way up to $3000 for a Gem Tang. Saltwater fish come in all sorts of shape, sizes and colors and there will definitely be a species or several that catches your eye. It’s very important to research any and all… Read More »Saltwater Fish – Saltwater Aquarium Fish

How to Focus on the Positive Qualities of Your Relationship

The quality of your life has a strong connection with how healthy your relationship with other people is. Do you struggle to make other people see things your way? Well stop trying, because you can’t manipulate others. Why? Well, just like you, they are operating from their own map of the world. What you CAN do is develop a habit of paying attention to the positive aspects of your relationship.… Read More »How to Focus on the Positive Qualities of Your Relationship

Figurine Collecting for Dog Lovers

Dogs have been for many of us part of the family for many generations. They are a companion to the aged and a friend and playmate to the young. Each dog has a different character and is loyal and faithful to its master. These canines are intelligent creatures and can perform amazing acts and tricks, and are often used in books and films as the hero in the story. So… Read More »Figurine Collecting for Dog Lovers

Take Great Photographs With Cameras – 7 Tips

Taking great photographs with today’s automatic cameras allows anyone to produce a sharp, well-exposed image. If you are just beginning to use an ‘auto-everything’ camera like a 35mm compact or program SLR then your main area of control is going to be in the composition of your photographs. No one can tell you how to take a great picture because it comes down to your ability to ‘see’ the potential… Read More »Take Great Photographs With Cameras – 7 Tips

Making a Splash with Water Features in the Garden

  • Nature

Want to add additional charm and tranquility to your garden? Incorporate a water feature. No matter what size or type of garden you have, there are a number of water features that will fit into any design or space, as well as any budget. A garden pond can add special qualities to nearly any landscape. Vinyl or fiberglass pond liners are widely available at garden centers or through water garden… Read More »Making a Splash with Water Features in the Garden

Addictions In Relationships: Addiction to Alcohol

There is no relationship that can breed more frustration and unhappiness than a relationship where one of the partners is an alcoholic. Such a relationship will be marked by constant arguments, financial turmoil, emotional blackmail and even physical abuse. It is a relationship where one partner is always at the receiving end, and lives on the hope that the addict will kick the habit one day. What to expect in… Read More »Addictions In Relationships: Addiction to Alcohol

Make Up and Skin Care

Makeup and Skin Care ‘Make up and skin care’ is generally regarded as women’s forte. Men seldom indulge in ‘Make up and skin care’. Many men do care for their skin but make up is really alien to most men. Treating make up and skin care as different topics wouldn’t make sense; after all, make up will work only if the skin is healthy. So how do you exercise make… Read More »Make Up and Skin Care

Get rid of puffy eyes – Home remedies to prevent puffy eyes

This is one of the most common beauty problems. Possible symptoms of puffy eyes Swelling around the eyes Swollen, puffy eyelids Itching eyes Eye redness Inability to close or open the eyes Possible causes of puffy eyes Changes in your body’s fluid balance such as due to weather changes, travel or hormone fluctuations. Hangovers can also produce puffy eyes. Drug induced hypothyroidism(such as lithium) can also cause puffy eyes. If… Read More »Get rid of puffy eyes – Home remedies to prevent puffy eyes

Why we should keep ourselves motivated

Only use positive words when talking. If you’re constantly telling yourself “I can’t” you may convince yourself that’s the truth. Replace these negative words with positive ones instead. Tell yourself you will do your best or that you will try your hardest instead. Push out all feelings that aren’t positive. Don’t let negative thoughts and feelings overwhelm you when you’re feeling down. Even if it’s only for a few hours a day,… Read More »Why we should keep ourselves motivated

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